Last Name
First Name
I am over the age of 18 (yes or no)
Hair Color
Eye Color
Shoe Size
Aol or Msn or yahoo chat (please specify which, ex: or
1. What is your favorite color or what
colors do you think you look best in?
2. What type of music do you prefer?
3. Have you ever done any kind of modeling
4. What kind of image do you have of modeling?
5. Do you know what all is involved in
6. What type of image do you think that
you may want to portray?
7. What kind of photos would you like
to have taken? We can do just about anything you want no matter how far fetched or risqué it may be? What suggestions
do you have?
8. Do you play sports? If so what?
9. What are your interests? (Put down
any activities or hobbies! Example: read, ride bikes, weight lifting, cars, etc.)
10. Where do you feel most comfortable/relaxed?
11. Do you like nature, the woods?
12. How do you view yourself: mind, your
physical appearance, health, and body shape in general? (Example: confident, fat, thin, muscular, well trained, etc.) Put
anything that applies!
13. Other than for earrings, do you have any piercings?
(Yes or No)
If yes, where?
14. Do you have any tattoos?
If yes, where?
15. Do you have any Scars?
If yes, where?
16. Is there anyone else you would like
to have some involvement with during the session? Boyfriend, girlfriend, family member, pet? (NOTE: This is not a promise
that he/she will be used!)
17. What is your opinion and do you have
any objections with posing shirtless?
18. What is your opinion and do you have
any objections with posing in selected revealing clothing (Ex. Speedo, Swimsuit, Underwear shoot.)?
19. What is your opinion and would you
consider doing ARTISTIC nudity (This is not pornography, which I strongly disagree with, and does not always require frontal
nudity and will be very tastefully and artistically done!) ?
20. Home address
21. Work or College Address
22. Cell phone
23. Home Phone
24. Work/College Phone
25. Finally what are your last questions,
comments, or concerns, and do you have any more suggestions and/or ideas other than what you mentioned above?